2023 Officers and directors

OFFICERS                                         DIRECTORS

President- Trista Mantelli                    Deb Ryan
Vice President- Jamie Binstock         Deb Madison
Secretary-Barb Pirrie                            McKenzy Averett
Treasurer-Karli McGowan                    Hope Dormer
                                                                 Seely Daniels                                                                                                                   


Section 1:  The name of this organization is OUTBACK BARREL RACING ASSOCIATION.


ARTICLE II-Purposes and Objectives


Section 1:  To promote barrel racing as a sport and family event.

Section 2:  And for the uses and purposes for which this organization is formed this organization is a non-profit one and none of its operations shall at any time result in anyway in pecuniary profit or gain to any member therof.

Section 3:  To establish dates for events to be held during the year for members of this association.


ARTICLE III-Membership and dues


Section 1: Membership in this organization shall be unlimited.

Section 2: Membership dues shall be payable annually and shall be established from time to time by the resolution of the Board of Directors.

Section 3: Membership will run from January 1st to December 31st. 

Section 4: The annual dues for membership in this organization shall be $40 for single, $65 for a family for first 2 family members, $10 each additional family member for competing members and $15 for non-competing members. 

Section 5:  A family membership is defined as parents and children 18 years of age or younger as of January 1st of the current competition year, or grandparents and grandchildren 18 years of age or younger as of January 1st of the current competition year.

Section 6: Members who resign from the Association or whose memberships have been revoked shall not be entitled to a refund of fees. 


ARTICLE IV-Officers and Directors


Section 1: The Board of Directors shall consist of no more than nine members consisting of  the officers of the Association; which shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer; and up to five directors.  Officers and Directors  shall be elected annually by the members at the Annual General Meeting of the Association and shall hold office during the ensuing year or until their successors are duly elected.  Members of the Board of Directors must be member in good standing.

Section 2: The immediate available Past President of the Association shall be considered a director unless he/she resigns or fails to maintain membership in the Association.

Section 3:  The duties of the Board of Directors shall be to conduct, manage, and control the affairs of the Association and to make rules not inconsistent therewith and shall not meet less than two times a year.

Section 4: The President shall preside at all meetings of the membership and appoint all standing and special committees and perform all other duties not inconsistent with the duties of the Board of Directors.  The Vice President shall act in the absence of the President.

Section 5: The Secretary shall act as Secretary for all meetings of the Association, including meetings of the Board of Directors.

Section 6: The Treasurer shall receive and safely keep all funds of the association in such bank as may be designated by the Board of Directors.


ARTICLE V: Meetings


Section 1: The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held during the Awards Banquet for the Saddle Series each year.

Section 2: Quorum at the Annual General Meeting shall be 2/3 of the members in attendance at that meeting. 

Section 3: The President or in his/her absence, the Vice-President, shall have authority to call additional meeting as he/she/ deems necessary.

Section 4: A majority of the Board of Directors may jointly, in writing, request the President to call a meeting of the Board of Directors and the President shall forthwith cause such a meeting to be held.




Section 1: At the Annual General Meeting of the Association, all members have the right to vote.

Section 2: At the meetings of the Board of Directors only the members of the Board of Directors have a right to vote.  In the event of a tie, the Acting President will cast the deciding vote.




Section 1: The President and Vice President shall have signing authority on any written document or instrument of the Association.

Section 2:  Signing Authority for Checks shall be extended to include the Secretary, Treasurer and 2 Directors.


ARTICLE VIII: By-Laws and Rules


Section 1: The Board of Directors shall have authority to amend the By-Laws as may be necessary to implement the by-laws effectively and not inconsistent with it to ensure the smooth functioning of the association.

Section 2: If a decision of some urgency must be made and the By-Laws or related rules do not seem to cover the matter adequately, the Officers shall have authority to take such action as it deems necessary and shall report such action at the next meeting of the Association.

Section 3: In the event of conflict of opinion about the interpretation of these By-Laws or any of the related rules, the decision of the President shall prevail unless and until the matter can be referred to the next Annual General Meeting of the Association.


ARTICLE IX: Dissolution


Section 1: On dissolution of the OBRA, its properties and assets shall, after payment of all liabilities, be donated to an organization approved by the Board of Directors by a 2/3 majority vote, or to the body that absorbs the OBRA and follows the aims and objectives of the OBRA.


Up-Dated January 13, 2025



  | Updated 1/30/2023
SECTION I-General Competition Rules 1.          An OBRA barrel race is a timed event with three identical barrels set in a cloverleaf pattern.
 2.                 Competitors must be a member in good standing to compete in an Outback barrel race or pay a $10 nonmember fee if added money in under $1000, $15 nonmember fee if added money is over $1000.  Nonmember fees are waived for Youth and Peewee if they are not entered in the Open division. Nonmember fees may be waived for members of an arena sponsoring club or organization.
 3.                 Classes are defined as Open, Teen Age 13-17, Youth 12 and under, Pee Wee age 8 and under, and Senior Age 50 and older as of January 1 of the competition year.
 4.                 Open class will accumulate points in 4D format with  ½ second splits between the 2D and 3D, and a full second split to the 4D.   Senior Classes will accumulate and payout in a 3D format ½ second splits. Youth and teen Classes will accumulate and payout in a 3D format full second split between 1D & 2D, 3D. The fastest time of a contestant in the class, whether or not a member of the OBRA will determine the time brackets. The Pee Wee class will accumulate points and payout as a straight jackpot with no separate divisions.
 5.                 The starting gate or gates must remain the same throughout the entire event.  If more than one gate at the end of the arena where riders enter, riders may be given a choice of starting gates.
 6.                 The start/finish line and the barrel positions must be permanently marked and must remain the same throughout the entire event.
 7.                 Time begins when a contestant crosses the starting line.
 8.                Contestant will be given a no time for missing the pattern (one right turn and two left turns or 1 left and two right turns in a cloverleaf pattern), running out of turn, knocking over a barrel, or if the rider falls off the horse.
 9.                 Contestants must attempt to make the fastest run possible. Any obvious attempt to "pull up" or pace their run may result in the following penalties - 1st offense - Warning,  2nd offense –Disqualification on the run and loss of all accumulated points to date.
 10.            A horse may not be shown by more than one person in a class, a horse cannot compete against itself, with the exception of the peewee division.
 11.              The entries for the "first draw" will close no later than 1 hour 15 minutes before the race starts, and the first draw will be posted no later than 1 hour before the race starts.  Entries for the "second draw" will run from 1 hour 15 minutes before the race until the first horse runs.  Riders on multiple horses are not guaranteed a split if in the second draw.
 12.             Only one horse in the arena at any time during competition.
 13.             Reruns shall be granted if the timer fails to work properly or if the barrels are not placed properly on their markers.
 14.             All draws will be done in a random manner.  Once set the draw may not be changed except to accommodate entries with the same rider that have drawn up close together.  If the same rider draws up in the same rake on different horses, the second horse will be moved to the same position in the next rake.  The draw may not be changed to give preference to any rider or to accommodate another commitment of a particular rider such as work or another event. No guarantee of split between horses if in the second draw.
 15.     A minimum of  80% of all entry fees must go in to the jackpot.  Additional fees may be charged for timer fees, arena fees, award fees, etc.
 16.             The total jackpotted entry fees for a 3D class are to be divided 40% to 1D, 35% to 2D, and 25% to 3D.  The total jackpotted entry fees for a 4D class are to be divided 30% to 1D, 27% to 2D, 23% to 3D and 20% to 4D. For a 5D they will divided 26% to 1D, 23% to 2D, 20% to 3D, 17% to 4D, and 14% to 5D. (1/23)
 17.             Added money may be divided the same ratio or split evenly among all division.
 18.             All prize money must be paid out.
 19.             BRN4D payout % will be used for all jackpot placings.
 21.             If no riders qualify in a division, the prize money for that division shall be equally divided among the other divisions of that class.  If not enough riders qualify in a division, the money which is unaccounted for shall be divided equally among those who have placed in that division.
 22.            Schooling of a horse is not allowed during a run.  You may only go around a barrel one time. 

23.            Race Order will be Peewee, Youth and Teen (not rolling their time), Open, Senior.

24.            Entry fees are $30 Open, $20 Youth, Teen and Senior, $10 Peewee.  If there is more than $750 in added money the Open may be increased to $40.
 25.            Dress code:  Western attire is required and is to include long-sleeve western shirt, a cowboy hat and cowboy boots.  Shirt-sleeves must be rolled down and buttoned or snapped.  Shirttails must be tucked in.   Dress code may be waived or altered by an executive decision of the Board of Directors. If the dress code is required, it will be advertised as such.

26.  Double headers:  All double headers will have an option to roll times from the first race  to the second.  The rider must declare when they enter if they're entering one or both races.  If entering both they have the option of rolling their time from the first race to the second or running both races.  If they choose to roll and knock a barrel or break the pattern this will be used for the second race.  No re-runs allowed if unhappy with run in any way.  NO buy-backs are allowed.

SECTION 2-Saddle Series additional rules

1.          The Saddle Series will begin no sooner than April 15 and end by the last day of September.  If the last day of September falls in the middle of the week than the finals may be run during the first weekend in October.
              a. To be eligible to run at the year end finals membership must be paid by July 1st of the competition year or a member must have competed in three races prior to the finals.
 2.                 Race dates will be advertised at least 21 days prior to the show date.
 3.                 To earn and maintain points, a competitor must be a member in good standing of the OBRA.
 4.                 Points will be tracked by horse and rider combination.  Points will be awarded in all classes and divisions on a 6, 5, 4, 3, 2,1 basis for 1st place through 6th place among OBRA members regardless of the number of entries or paying places.  Members will receive at least one point in the division they run in as long as they make a qualified run.  If two or more riders tie, the points for the tied positions will be added together and divided equally among the riders who tied.  You may only receive points for one place in any one division per race per horse/rider combination.
 5.                 In even of a tie, the number of 1st place finishes in the division will be used, and on down to the next place in that division i.e. 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, shall be used until the tie is broken.  If the tie cannot be broken, duplicate awards will be given.  Only one saddle will be given in each division.
 6.                 In the event there is a tie for the Youth, Teen or Senior Saddle, which is awarded to the overall highpoint in any one division: 
          a. If the tied contestants are tied in the same division, # 5 shall be used to break the tie.
         b. If the tied contestants are tied in different divisions, the contestant with the greater number of first places in the qualifying division shall be the winner.  If a tie still exists, the next place in the qualifying division i.e. 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, shall be used until the tie is broken.  If the tie cannot be broken, the money that was to be put towards the saddle will be split evenly and duplicate awards will be given.  Only one saddle will be given.
 7.                 Divisions with less than 30 total points at year end will not qualify for yearend awards.
 8.                The President shall appoint an awards committee.  Awards shall be given out no later than March 31st of the year following the competition year.

9.                 Side Pot Races can only be sanctioned with producers that are members.